See my Projects here

Stock Profit / Loss Calculator App

Mark Fourteen

September, 2021

A VanillaJS app that takes 3 inputs - the price at which you bought stocks, the number of stocks bought and the current market price of that stock as numbers and tells you how much profit or loss you are making on a stock.

Live Project Source Code

"Is your Birthday a Palindrome ?" Web App

Mark Thirteen

September, 2021

A VanillaJS app that takes your date of birth as input and tells whether your birthday is palindrome or not.

Live Project Source Code

Fun with Triangles Web App

Mark Twelve

September, 2021

A VanillaJS app to play a quiz about triangles, check whether angles entered by the user form a triangle or not and also to calculate the area and hypotenuse of a triangle, all under a single web application.

Live Project Source Code

"Is your Birthday Lucky ?" Web App

A VanillaJS app takes your Date of Birth and lucky number and tells whether your birthday is lucky or not.

Mark Eleven

September, 2021
Live Project Source Code

Cash Register Manager App

Mark Ten

September, 2021

A cash register web app built using VanillaJS that can tell the user the amount of change to return/receive after entering the bill amount and cash given by the customer/to the shopkeeper.

Live Project Source Code

Book Recommendation App

Mark Nine

September, 2021

A book recommendation app built using ReactJS which displays books in different genres

Live Project Source Code

Food Emoji Interpreter App

Mark Eight

September, 2021

A food emoji interpreter app built using ReactJS that can tell the meanings of emojis listed and can also take emojis as user input to show their meanings.

Live Project Source Code

Yoda Language Translation App

Mark Seven

August, 2021

A translation web app that will translate your sentences into the Yoda language spoken by the Jedi Master Yoda from Star Wars.

Live Project Source Code

Minion Speak Translation App

Mark Six

August, 2021

A translation web app that will translate your sentences into the banana language of the minions. This app uses FetchAPI to fetch the translation of the text sent through the URL query parameter to the Minion Speak API.

Live Project Source Code

Web Dev Portfolio

Mark Three, Mark Four and Mark Five

August, 2021

Built this web dev portfolio website using pure HTML and CSS.

Live Project Source Code

Harry Potter Quiz

Mark Two

August, 2021

Are you a Harry Potter Fan? This is a CLI app quiz built with NodeJS.

Live Project Source Code

"Do you Know Me?" Quiz

Mark One

August, 2021

A CLI app built with NodeJS. You can play this quiz to find out if you really know me well.

Live Project Source Code